Sunday, February 10, 2008

What Was I Thinking?

This is my "self-portrait" that I finished for Pamela Allen's internet class. I don't particularly like it but I don't hate it either. I am happy with the composition and enjoyed experimenting with using one of Pamela's quilting ideas. I am really enjoying the class - highly recommend it to any of you who would like to see her work through someone else's eyes.


  1. Hi Roberta,

    The quilting you've done in the beige and blue areas of this piece is beautiful!

    I don't get much of an overall impression of the meaning/symbolism in the piece excpt for vegetables and seafood plus some fire. Does this have any relationship to what you were intending?

  2. Hi Cay - thanks for leaving a comment. Actually this piece has no meaning or symbolism for me. It was an exercise in working spontaneously and it was fun. Pamela had shown how she used quilting to add another element so I used it to give myself a "halo" - not deserved I'm sure!



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