Sunday, February 24, 2008


The spam I used was "Create your own free Zwinky". I had no idea what a Zwinky was but the word intrigued me and I knew that was the one I wanted to use. I did a search for Zwinky and found out they were cute little cartoon smileys -- so, meet Zwonko (I wanted to change the name so as not to violate any copy rite laws). After I chose her name I used one of my dolls as a model. Except for her hair everything was done on the machine. I thread painted her. I also decided to trapunto her to give her some dimension. The size is 10" x 10-1/2"
I love this group. I have done so many things that I would not have done otherwise...Betty


  1. Betty,
    I like your little Zwonko,very cute! This bit of spam got my attention too, so look for her sister to show up in a few days. Did you create a Zwinky on the website to see how it works? I'd love to know what you used for her hair. Joni

  2. Betty, I've never seen that kind of spam, and I applaud your willingness to explore the sound of a word and express a created one through fabric! Your thread-painting effect comes across very nicely, and Zwonko has great hair!


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