Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Challenge 19: Recycle

Challenge # 19 - Friday, March 28, 2008

Guest Hostess – Wendy Wetzel, Flagstaff AZ

Theme or Technique - “Something From Nothing”

Recycled or Environmental Art Quilts

Design Concept:

Our local art center hosts an annual competition and show called “Recycled,” which features artist interpretations of ingenious ways to use materials that would have found their way to landfills and recycling centers. Over time, artists in this show have also highlighted environmental issues including air and water quality, global warming, and the preservation of wetlands and greenbelts. This challenge was inspired by those efforts.

Core concepts:

1. Integrate at least one found object into the piece (you can use more, or make the whole piece from recycled stuff). This can be ANYTHING! An item found in nature, a treasure you saved from the trash, a soon-to-be-discarded item of clothing. Look around you and use your imagination.

2. Think WAY outside the box in terms of materials. Paper, foam, plastic, etc etc etc!

3. Don’t buy anything new for this challenge. Recycle a prior FFC (or any other quilt ) that doesn’t ring your chimes or dive into your stash for fabric, materials, and/or embellishments.

4. The quilt design (subject, image, or pattern) and techniques are the maker’s choice. Abstract or realistic, the challenge is to integrate materials not originally intended for textile art and/or those destined for landfills. Let your found objects inspire you!

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