Friday, March 28, 2008

Inside the Box

OK - so I finished my piece Inside the Box.

I took an empty paper towel roll and cut it into pieces about 3/4 inches wide. I then wrapped each piece with yarn. I used only scraps and pieced the background. The back is using strips from large quilts that I cut off after quilting - and the polka dotted fabric is leftovers from a recent quilt. After quilting it I sewed each circle to the quilt. The binding was precut and left over from another quilt.

So probably not enough recycled material. Therefore I name it - Inside the Box. Finished size 15x18. I did not buy a single new item for this.

In Snowy Seattle - snow in March!


  1. Clever use of a paper towel roll.
    Although you used scrap yarns and fabrics, they were chosen with care. Your colors compliment each other rather than creating discord which can easily happen using scraps.
    Penny Irwin

  2. Lisa, what a great colorful quilt. You certainly recycled a lot of the items that we have laying around!

  3. Nice use of color and the polka dots. I like the dimension that the rolls add.

  4. Very nicely done, looks like a game of 'x' and o's.......
    Thought you were clever to have cut the paper towel roll. I started out with a plastic disc that sits atop the cd's in the cannister. I was using yarn, then I wondered whatever I would do with it because I wanted to use feathers!!
    Great job, lots of good color.

  5. Clever clever clever. I was in a 9 patch show a couple of years ago, this would have qualified and fit in beautifully. I wonder if you could do a tic tac toe game the same way? I thought at first your circles were raffia wrapped bracelets, what a great way to use cardboard and yarn!


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