Monday, March 31, 2008

There is a Hole in the Ozone

There is a Hole in the Ozone

This challenge was a lot of fun for me, I had been saving a container made from corn just waiting for some way to use it for the “Go Green” challenge that Quilting Arts is having. This was the push I needed to get started. I spent Thursday night in the kitchen with the fan running burning away on this poor piece of plastic having too much fun! When I had finished with this I went of a quest for materials digging through my husbands shop trash can. I came up with several products we are using on our screen porch project. So here is a little diagram of what was used where.

The Sandpaper was really fun to paint, and I loved the texture of it, however it was difficult to use from a practical point of view. The quilt is the required 5”x5” for the “Go Green” challenge, which for me is way out of my comfort zone to work that small. I learned a lot on this challenge – thank you Wendy!
PS: I took the photo of the quilt off this posting as not to disqualify it for the Go Green Challenge. It can be seen by our members on the group site. Thanks Cynthia for the instruction.


  1. Joni, you really did the recycling thing! And I'm glad to see you also used a topic of environmental impact! Hope to see it in the pages of QA with the challenge! Good job, nice flow, and imaginative use of materials!

  2. Wish everyone could see this! Love the effect you got with the plastic. Ditto everything Wendy said.

  3. Certainly wishing you all the best on this one, Joni!!


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