Sunday, May 04, 2008

White Jeans Skirt


This skirt-from-a-charity-shop buy took a little longer than I thought. I always end up having to fancy things up somehow and thus always have WIP projects rather than finished items when it comes to clothes for me!
The skirt was made with my own toile (pattern that is drafted to your size). I cut it from the thigh area of the white jeans which were several sizes too large...and I'm not small. I also used some blue plaid quilting cottons. Some months ago my friend gave me about 6 !!! boxes of quilting cottons. I gave most to my friend Helen who makes cot quilts for a hospital. The ones I kept included these. By mixing and matching I was able to tie the look altogether.

I meant to use the top part with all the usual jeans accoutrements. However, after I chopped it at level of the top of the inner seam, I got it pinned and shaped to M'Lady, and then it sat there.
I meant to add some sort of fabric to the bottom in a somewhat similar way as this one. The problem was, though, that length is the wrong proportion for me to start adding to. Only the other day I thought of a plan to resolve that issue with the top of the jeans, so perhaps I will eventually get that done.
I have topstitched the seams with blue thread. the circles are caught down with x's created with my seing machine.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I can see you wearing this and looking very stylish.


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