Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Town House with a Country View

I started with a top I had made about 5/6 yrs ago in a class. I just never knew what to do with it, knew it needed something and I always thought in terms of applique. Just never got to it.
So I cut it up... I am afraid I did use a ruler. Then I just got started with 'things' that I have been fiddling with, like stencilled leaves [shiva sticks] and it went from there. I tried painting ... again with Shiva Sticks, but I didn't like the results, so cut it out and used that african animal fabric to cover the holes..from the back.
It is quilted, painted, appliqued and bound... held together by tabs.

Cynthia, if you see this, you may recognize my inspiration source...
the Dreaming in Color quilt by Linda Kemshall and just 10 pages before your Focus on Fungi.
I always look at your piece but somehow... nothing happens.......
I just love it and someday.....maybe the pieces will fall together.
BTW the book I am referring to is Quilting Masterclass....Inspirations and techniques from the experts........ by Katharine Guerrier.

So, I found it a challenge. fun and while I am surprised by the 'sameness as I put the pieces back together [it was not my intent], I do like the end result.

My Townhouse with a Country View.
Thank you Linda.....


  1. To me, your reconstructed piece is much more intriguing than the original. The use of African imagery and the red subdues the intensity of the background color and looks like a unified whole. I like how you're willing to leave the color on the fabric around the strips of African images. Even though you've used line to break up your sacrificed piece, it works well! That was probably a better design choice than using any other shape to transform the piece.

    For the black lines (over the red), did you satin stitch?

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  3. The red borders and the other added elements give a bit of excitement to this piece. Great work.

    I was a bit confused when I looked at Linda Kemshall's piece, and couldn't see the inspiration you were reffering to. I thought the red inner border was pieced. I immediately saw your inspiration when I look clicked on your quilt to see it bigger.

  4. No satin stitching used. I used a free motion zigzag

    As for the inspiration, I didn't go to Linda's website to see if the quilt was online, I just used my Masterclass book, and browsing came upon it it.
    I liked the finished individual pieces....all bound... then held together with tabs.

  5. Carole,
    It is wonderful to see what you did with this piece! Very interesting how you joined the segments together with tabs, I didn't pick up on that right away. All the segements work well together as a whole, and the splash of color really makes the compostion complete! Love it. Joni

  6. Love it Carole. The view from your townhouse to the African Planes is fantastic. The use of the red really brings this piece to life. Great job of reconstructing.

  7. Hi Carole,
    Wow, you can hardly tell these pieces were related. Love the additional fabrics and colors you used. The symmetry of the piece makes it seem formal...did you consider adding something to break that up? Some beading? one or three scattered squares of the orange section of the african fabric? Another leaf somewhere? Just a thought...I always like to shake things up. ;)
    Great job!

  8. Thank you Cynthia, I wanted to add those 'extras'.. certainly Linda did, but I wasn't sure where and what!
    We were catching a plane on Thursday am[not at home now][posted this late Wed.] so will give some thought to that and do 'something' when I get back home and to my piece.

  9. Kudos for you - I liked the orginial piece but what you did to it really transformed the piece. The red really makes it pop.


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