Sunday, June 29, 2008

Trees and Butterflies

23" x 17 1/2"

The closest I have ever come to making a traditional quilt block is the old log cabin pattern, so I started out with that. I designed it from the center out, and the further out I went, the more I deviated from the standard. Since the challenge did not say anything about using traditional methods of construction, after the central three green pieces, I used my more usual raw-edge appliqué for the additional pieces so I could cut the shapes as I wanted them. The butterflies were there, in my mind, from the beginning, though.

And yes, surprise, this is a straight, rectangular piece! (There are a few others I've done that way, it just happens at

Update: 7/11/2009
I wasn't really satisfied with this picture, and several months later, picked up a do-it-yourself frame, replaced the water with more of the fabric just above it, and let it "flow" out of the frame. It is now re-titled "Overflow of Trees and Butterflies", and is now, officially, finished!


  1. Wow, Tobi, you certainly did hide the log cabin block! What a great way to start a landscape.

  2. Great job Tobi, I almost couldn't tell what block you did! Love the idea and the piece :-)

  3. Great use of the altered Log Cabin block. I wouldn't have noticed it if this hadn't been an altered traditional block challenge. The two outer reddish/brown strips look like giant tree trunks in a forest.

  4. Talk about hiding the block!! You did that Tobi, until I looked and looked I could not 'spot the block' at all.
    It is a really pretty piece and you must be so pleased.


  5. Tobi, which mountain is that in your background? Nice addition.
    Penny Irwin

  6. Hi Tobi, I do see a log cabin block back there behind the trees. While it's rectangular, it doesn't read that way because of how you brought the trees out of the rectangle.

    One of the things I really like about this piece and lot of your pieces is the sense of fantasy and idyllic nature. It must be nice to live in Tobiland!


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