Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In My Secret Garden

I have posted my more is more...no focal... in the album as well as here. I used the darned quilt technique taught by Dena Crain. It is most certainly a perfect candidate for MORE is more...LOL.

There are fabric inserts, overlays of sheers, many different threads and braids, several decorative stitches, beads...etc, etc.

This was a really fun quilt for an equally fun challenge...thanks Brenda!

Comments welcomed (and appreciated :-))



  1. This is such a wonderful, busy, colorful piece. You really portrayed the no focus well. I would like to see this one in person and just touch it.

  2. I love the way transparency is depicted here... the layers add to the perspective of the piece... nice work!

  3. I find this piece very, very interesting. I keep coming back to it. Definitely more is more and well suited to this challenge.
    The transparency comes through and the blue seems to be just the right 'perk'.

  4. Cherie,
    this is a perpect piece for the no focus part of this challenge, I didn't realize that no focus quilts could be so interesting. I'd love to learn the darned quilt technique - guess I'd better go to Quilt U. I can just imagine the fun you had making this one. Great job, and beautiful work! Joni

  5. Hi Cherie!

    This piece is lovely. There is plenty for the eye to feast upon in the piece without a landing place, so to speak. No focus though focused intention of creating no focus but imagery in the process.

    Are those bead strands hanging from the center of each bloom? Which of Dena's class concepts did you use as the basis of this piece?

  6. Hi Cay Denise...thank you for your comment. This is made using Dena's cut, swap and darn technique. She teaches it on QU..."Darned Quilts". It is an incredibly fun and thought provoking technique.

    Thanks also to Rhoda, Carole Wendy and Joni for your nice comments:-)


  7. Hi Cherie,

    This one is just too cool! I really love what you did, and you certainly "cracked" the challenge . What is the size of the piece?

    One of my friends took that class and had some really interesting results as well. Might need to look into that. Thanks for sharing!


  8. Thanks so much Brenda! It's a terrific class and I highly recommend it. Dena is very knowledgeable and generous with her students. Such fun!

    The quilt is mounted on stretchers and is 18"x32"...

  9. Hi Cherie, great piece! The colors are luscious and the transparency effect is wonderful. It feels magical!


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