Friday, July 04, 2008


I put a Shoofly block on point, then stretched it into diamonds instead of squares. I cut out the shapes from hand-dyed fabrics, and fused them to another piece of hand-dyed fabric. Added leaves from a silk flower and embroidered them, added petals from a silk rose and embroidered and beaded them (completely covering up the beautiful diamond fabric beneath), quilted and bound and it's done. It measures about 8 1/2" X 13".
I've never fused shapes down to make a block before - I realize if I fused them onto black fabric it would look like stained glass - I might try this again. Anyway, this is colorful, too. Comments are very welcome!


  1. Katie, I like what you did with this. Traditional quilting, patterns and designs are my roots and my personal opinion is that you made an old standby 'new', both in the block shape as well as fabric choices and center treatment. Shoo fly is a favorite of mine and if you look at any of my published patterns you will see I use it,[albeit often under another name] because it is such a 'staple'.
    Good girl on putting forth his challenge and making us think about shapes and balance.

  2. Hi Katie,
    What a fun variety of unique quilts we got on this challenge!

    Your piece does have a stained glass window feel to it and has that pleasing diamond shape and wonderful glowing irregular borders. I think it's successful in those regards...but there's something incongrous about it as a whole and I believe it is the silk flower floating in the middle. It seems to take away from the drama of the piece. The embroidered leaves are fine, but how would it look if you replaced the silk petals with a appliqued graphic shape edged in black like another pieced diamond in some of the bright colors found in the border? Or if you love the flower, how would it look to add a meandering vine in the larger bottom border that connects diagonally from the right or left of the bottom border to the center bloom and add a couple more smaller blooms along the vine?

    I always like your work,'s so imaginative.

  3. Cynthia,

    I think I'll try this one again, without the flower, and see what comes of it. I'll post it later and see how it looks in comparison to this one. (BTW, I got a blue ribbon at the county fair on this...)(I love our county fair)

  4. I like the shoo fly block and love the amount of background showing in between the tiles. I think this challenge reminds me how much fun it is to play with traditional blocks and color.

  5. I really like the diamond shape. I wish I had thought of something like that.


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