Sunday, August 24, 2008

Challenge 24 - Poppies by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Here's my abstracted garden-inspired piece....inspired by a photo of the Oriental Poppies that bloom in my yard every June. I went for a paint dab, impressionistic feel using the colors, shapes and placement I saw in the photo. I was tempted to fill in the blanks with some real paint dabs, but my experimentation with a trimmed off section told me not to mess with it. I like it, but there's my usual comment about not having a dramatic focal point. I guess this one would fit in the no-focus format from our last challenge.
Thanks for a great challenge, Lisa


  1. Cynthia, this is one of those pieces that you keep going back to have another look, and then it all becomes quite clear that there are three poppies! Very much like a well done mosaic.
    Wonderful interpretation of the theme, the red adds movement to the piece and the colors in the cool family make the warms really 'pop'.

  2. Cynthia,
    I agree with Rhoda, this is a piece I keep coming back to look over once again. I've always loved the impressionist paintings, and you have really captured the feel of the movement in your poppies. I think you were right not to add paint to fill in some of the background, but maybe a few more dabs of fabric might further develop a focal point if you feel you need it. Joni

  3. Interesting, it is definitely impressionistic. You said lack of focal point, but what would happen if you just added more 'paint dabs' just where the poppies are, overlapping a bit, maybe smaller and just a bit closer together?
    Just a thought...........
    The colors are fabulous, you always give me something to come back to.

  4. This is wonderful - I like the lattice in the background the and colors really pop. Great as well on the non-focus.

  5. Cynthia,
    I would love to be able to work as you and Cathy O have; with the raw bits of fabric.
    This looks so fun, free and spontaneous. Where would I begin?
    The bits of turquoise and purple thrown in the mix add some punch.
    Penny Irwin

  6. I love the mosaic quality of this quilt. If I didn't know they were poppies I'm not sure I would recognize them as such, but that doesn't change the beauty of the colors interacting. Great job!

  7. Cynthia,
    another great response to a challenge.
    There is a "feeling" of the lattice and flowers in your quilt without actiually seeing them. Does that make sense?
    I think that you have met the challenge superbly


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