Monday, August 25, 2008

'My Garden'

This year my deck seems to be awash with colors ranging from pink to burgundy, and a hint of yellow here and there. I didn't use a picture for this composition, rather I took it from my head. This was a real challenge for me, as abstract is not my forte' however, I enjoyed the challenge and the process.
I dug out my old Quilt Art magazines and re-read the articles on Abstraction by Liz Berg. Very good information.
I used split complimentary colors of red-violet and yellow green. In using large and small shapes spaced close and then further apart I hope I have achieved a rhythm and sense of movement in the compostion. I also placed the elements from smallest to largest or reversed to create a sense of movement. I'm not sure if I've achieved balance?
I pieced the background using hand dyed fabric, the colors seemed to fit.
I look forward to your critique.
This was a fabulous challenge, thank you Lisa.


  1. This is a wonderful piece. I like what goes on in your head.

  2. The shapes are all so interesting, and there is so much movement and variety. Great little quilt!

  3. Rhoda,
    Liz Berg would be very proud of what she has taught you in her article. This piece is a real eye catcher and has alot of flow and movement. I really like how the verical bars are accented with intermediate thin bars. It gives a feeling of depth. This quilt would look great on my studio wall! Joni

  4. I agree with everyone else, this is wonderful! I love the colors you used, all the different shapes and the movement is wonderful. Your eyes just keep moving around following all the *trails* they are led on.

  5. Oh My Goodness, Rhoda, you have done it again!!
    This is fabulous!! I love the colors, the shapes, well I just love it!!
    I think I had better head for MY QA mags. I have every one right from the start.
    Well done!

  6. I really love this piece! I saw it on a day we had quite a bit of wind. I feel the wind in this piece.

  7. What a great abstraction - the colors are so rich and earthy. Wonderful rhythm.

  8. It all pulls together: the lines of embroidery, shapes, values, background fabric.
    Lots of movement, great result.
    Penny Irwin

  9. I love this quilt so much! It reminds me of hikes we took in Newfoundland...fiddleleaf ferns , flowers, everywhere. Great memories!

  10. Hi Rhoda, I would not change a thing about this's fabulous. There is so much interest created by the variety of shapes, sizes and placement of the shapes and your quilting lines. Great job!

  11. Rhoda,
    this is such a good piece...just had to pop in and add my piece of admiration


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