Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Neighbor's Garden

This is taken in our neighbor's garden. I am not sure even what kind of flowers they are. I liked the color and the shadows. I don't know how well I captured all that,this was a very new experience for me. I am rather pleased with it. I did not use as much dark as the photo shows because it looked too blotchy.
I am eager, in fact, anxious to know what you think...... did I get it? The concept of what we were to do?


  1. Carole,
    I think you Got IT! This is a beautiful interpretation of the challenge and of your inspiration photo. I like the way you varied the background colors to give a little light play in the piece.
    I hope you have a view of your neighbor's yard from your house. Joni

  2. They are Zinnias. One of my favorite summer flowers. Did you use something dimensional for the yellow centers? Nice.


  3. I really like it Carole! I wonder if you took that large rectangle of pink and changed it for a darker green ( in the to right hand corner) it might make the flowers zing?? There just seems to be a bit too much pink in that one area? Just a thought :)

    Very good job Carole, and yes do dig out those old QA mags, I think it is issues 21, and 22.

  4. It is very bright and pretty. I think you aced it.

  5. I love your different shapes of flowers and the combination for this piece. Your colors are spot on. The background is lovely.

  6. Carole,
    This is one of my favorites from this challenge.
    The contrast of the background blocks to the curved appliqué and of the warm colors against the cool gives a lot of life and interest to your quilt. My eye keeps moving over the surface. I also like that the flowers are in different stages of abstraction.
    And as always, your quilting is fine!
    Penny Irwin

  7. Oh, I love your sort of 'crazy quilted' background! What a neat idea to set off your flowers. I like it a lot!

  8. Hi Carole, wow, this is great! I think you should enter it in the In Full Bloom exhibit next year. You captured the colors and perky feel of the zinnias wonderfully.

  9. You definitely got it! Nice job. I love the yellow centers in the midst of the bright pinks and the addition of spirals. The geometric background works well providing a contrast to the organic shapes.

  10. Carole, i think you nailed this challenge. A great piece. I've nothing to add to what others have said; just wanted to add to the consensus that you have met the challenge and produced a wonderful piece.


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