Friday, August 22, 2008

The Path Through My Garden

The revised version, really like the *path* in this one better!

detail shot

The first photo is what I used for inspiration. To make my piece which is 19 x 11" I sewed twisted strips of several different green fabrics,ribbon and yarns on a mottled green/yellow background, using a straight stitch down the middle of the fabrics and a zigzag down the yarns (6 strand emb floss) I just randomly placed these, trying to cover as much as possible of the background, just letting some peek through here and there, to resemble grass,leaves and stems. Then I stitched down the gray path/stair shapes. The flowers are simply snips of fabric layered and tacked down with a floral design in the middle.The flowers are loose except where tacked so they will curl up a bit, the twisted fabrics/yarns/ribbons also stand up off the background. As you can see in the 3rd detail shot. I bound it with a fabric that resembles, ground, rocks and grassy areas. I am probably going to do another one. My winter garden, which will tie in nicely with my seasonal series I am doing!


  1. All I can say is wow! Your piece demonstrates a great deal of texture and movement, and your description of the process is well done. My one suggestion is that in order to show depth, the contrast shold be higher between the stepping stones and the garen itself. It will be fun to see your next effort in this series.

  2. I love all the texture in your piece.

  3. Ann, I was thinking the same thing about the stones! Before I sewed them on I was torn between them and a higher contrasting color, but liked the stone look of this one. I am still making up my mind though seeing it from the computer the fabric really stands out as being too light, it will be easy to change!

  4. Cathy, very nice indeed. I would love to see this piece in person just to view the texture! I like the way you did the stones going from smaller to larger, a great sense of movement. Great job on the challenge put forward for us.

  5. Cathy, this is really cool! I like all the texture your process created. I rather like garden paths too. Joni

  6. Yes! The garden path now just pops out at the viewer.

  7. No, I like the 'gray' path better, it makes the garden look a tad overgrown and much softer. Like some of those old gardens in Great Britain.

  8. What wonderful texture to the garden. A very cool technique. Abstraction is very successful. I do think both stones work well. I guess it really depends on the region as your reference. The brown can be seen better.

  9. Cathy,
    Though I like your first quilt too, I prefer the greater contrast of values you achieved in the second.

    I really like the spontaneous and uncontrolled approach to the blooms and greenery. Great quilt!
    Penny Irwin

  10. Hi Cathy, The background and the texture is very successful...good job! The higher contrast stones helps add some definition. Did you consider using some dark bits in with the flowers? The background and the flowers are pretty much the same medium value and a bit of contrast might make it pop more.

  11. I actually like the gray stones...the brown sort of feels too dark and out of place to me (different strokes, yes?) I really love the way your flowers seem to be 'growing' right up off the quilt! Neat technique!


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