Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sea Glass – What Do I Do Now?

Sea glass I and II are arranged and fused onto white fabric. I need to decide what to do about quilting. My original thought was to outline the shapes loosely with dark thread. My thoughts now are that dark thread could overpower the softer colors. The first on especially needs something to add interest, but I am afraid of adding too much.


  1. Linda, these are both so beautiful! The second one is a lovely mosaic, and I can see it simply outlined in white or mono thread to accentuate each piece.

    On the first, what if you quilt a soft sand color on the lower half as in sandy beach, and water/white water in the upper half? Just a thought...
    I love them:-) Cherie

  2. Very nice! I agree with Cherie I would use a light color for outlinging/quilting. Beautiful work.

  3. Linda, these are beautiful! There is something softly romantic in the 'sea glass' theme you have chosen.
    I feel a bit cheeky making a suggestion to you... but since you did ask...
    #1) On this piece, those small bits remind me of footprints, how about some little, child-size footprints in the sand in a soft shell color and maybe echo quilting to look like the waves have left their 'footprint' as well?

    2) On this one I see micro bubbles through what could be grouting if it were tile, but since it is sea glass, I am thinking those foamy bubbles would like nice.
    You could even quilt the odd fissure in some of the larger glass pieces, but it probably doesn't need that. Depends I guess on how big these pieces are.

    I am so glad you were able to participate.

  4. What they all said!

    Great pieces....

  5. Hi Linda, love both of them. The bits of red make them pop. I don't think the quilting will show too much on II..did you consider trapunto on some of the sea glass shapes then some quilting in the gaps? For quilting on Sea glass I - there's lots of room for some texture...maybe some organic lines/shapes?
    Great job!


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