Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Jeepers Creepers - Reworked

Here's a blast from the past - I reworked my unnamed challenge piece from Challenge 7. I never did finish the first challenge piece - the challenge was to use an unusual piece of fabric. I had used some upholstery fabric. The one comment I had was to put a focal point on it - so I put on a beaded caterpillar that looked more like a centipede. So it sat for well over a year waiting to see what would happen next - after Challenge 21 -deconstruction my answer awaited. So I slashed and slashed some more. The first slash I put in the light brown - but that didn't work so I slashed again with the dark brown. Now I don't hate the piece and have even named it - Jeepers Creepers - finished size 9 x 28 1/2.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa, I like this ever so much more! Gorgeous colors...did you do something to the fabric or is it just a better photo? I'd like to see some more embellishment to balance the caterpiller...a couple more grouping of of buttons?

    After we get more comments, I'll move your post to the where the other deconstructed pieces are.

    Good work, Lisa


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