Sunday, October 05, 2008

Falling Leaves

This is a work in progress. Finished size is approximately 23" x 24". Commercial fabrics. Thread painting is mostly King Tut varigated threads.

I chose to work with fushia and lime green as my complementary fabrics. Design is diagonal with the background fabrics moving from left to right and the leaves falling from right to left.

The leaves are fused on and then thread painted using varigated threads. To complete this I will be using varigated threads to quilt leaves in the background and border.

Comments most welcome!

-- Joanna Strohn
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  1. Joanna, this is absolutely gorgeous! I love the variety of greens in the leaves, some subtle, some bright some pale. The open space on the left is great...a space to rest the eyes and soak in the luscious color and textures in the fuschia fabric. I wouldn't change a thing. Be sure to post the final product.
    Great job!

  2. Oh so pretty Joanna! I especially like your thread painting...

  3. Joanna... this is beautiful!
    And I love the color combination. When I clicked on it to see it larger, your batiks almost look velvet, so rich!
    I like your leaves, I see some of them are already stitched... at least they look like it.
    Did you prestitch and then cut? I have often wondered how that would work, especially if two pieces were fused together so they could be 3D.
    I am anxious to see this done.. the quilting yet to be done gives you lots of options as to how this will go.
    Good job

  4. At first glance, this reminded me of our sunsets here.... I love this combo (its what I used too) and your quilt uses them very effectively! Good job!

  5. Hi Joanna,

    I love where you are going with this piece. The diagonal pieced background really glows behind the leaves. The thread painting is fabulous, and I love the dark border. My only comment is that it might be even more interesting to "leave" a few of the leaves out or overlap them slightly? Great job!


  6. I like your color choices and the way you achieved the glow in the background and the shimmer on the leaves. The quilting is really nice and I look forward to seeing the finished piece.

  7. I like the mix of fabrics in the background. It really makes the colors of the leaves shimmer. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  8. Joanna,
    Great colours.I like the way that the leaves overlap the borders.
    This piece really pops out of my sreen.
    Well done.


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