Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Long Day by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Blue Monochromatic piece showing perspective, fused applique, hand dyed and commercial prints, size 32 x 36", unfinished.

I was surprised by the variety of blues I found in my stash...that was fun, as well as playing with the perspective of the path and the scenery in the distance. I'll finish it when I return from Houston with a few more details, possible cropping and lots of quilting.

Comments and suggestions welcome!



  1. I love everything about this quilt. The use of values within the monochromatic color scheme is excellent. The illusion of depth is spot on. My eye travels the path with the two figures. I especially appreciate the way you have used slivers of your darkest color around other pieces to create wonderful shadows. The organic shapes throughout the piece are very appealing and the figures are clear without being overly defined. Spectacular!

  2. This is wonderful and I know the quilting will add a lot. I'm drawn right into the piece and want to walk down the path. Lovely!

  3. Another wonderful piece. You met the challenge for certain!

  4. Hi Cynthia - You have created another lovely work. It pulls the viewer right down the path. The trees with their darker and lighter areas add a lot of interest. I like the detail you have been able to add by working larger. I'll look forward to seeing it after you have quilted it.

  5. This is a terrific piece Cynthia, I love everything about it :-)

  6. Cynthia, this is just such a fabulous piece, it truly does pull the viewer along the path. The values of blues work so well together. Fantastic.

  7. I'm amazed by the amount of detail and depth you've acheived with this...great piece!

  8. Cynthia, your work continues to inspire me. This is so well done and perfect for the challenge. I know that your quilting will only enhance what is already a stunning piece. i am in awe of what you produce for each challenge; makes me feel so humble.
    beautiful work.

  9. Our last full moon looked exactly like this from my back deck! Looking forward to the quilted version...I love it!


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