Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rainforest Dragon

"The leaves moved slightly to reveal a splash of red. At first, she thought it was a red poison dart frog...but suddenly she knew she was looking into the eyes of the rarest dragon of all...the Rainforest Dragon."

That's the story. A lot of my work has a bit of a story to it. I am going with my dragons for this series. So, I thought the green with the red would be good, and then the rainforest and the idea of eyes that would be mistaken for poison dart frogs could be the idea. It is a bit of a horizontal composition...(but not dead flat.)

If you can't tell where the dragon is...well, he is camoflauged! However, he is laying down with his chin flat on the floor like my dog does sometimes. You can only see the front part of his head. Are the leaves sticking up ears? I don't know, what do you think?

I found a wonderful batik at the quilt shop in the market which was perfect for the background for the rainforest. I also got the leafy one at the same time, not sure if I'd use it. but it was perfect for the camoflauge part. I fused it and fussy cut the bits out. then FME over them to hold them down. the eye is a sparkly stretch with those fake sequins on it. I thought it was suitably glistening for dragon eyes.


  1. Sandy, I really like what you have done with this, and the story that goes with it! Love using my own imagination as I look at your piece,
    but alas! I cannot find the dragon.
    I keep looking.......

    I am also fascinated with your 'dragon series', that will be wonderful to watch as it comes to be.

    Colors are great!
    I am glad you could do this ,
    and I will keep looking........

  2. Sandy,
    This is really enchanting. I do believe I can see the stealthy dragon, with his red sparkly head, and beady little red eye in the middle of a dark section. He looks very intent on what he is stalking. This is really going to be a fun series to watch. You have captured my imagination.

  3. Hi Sandy, very cool! I hope you are writing a book and these are the illustrations!
    Great job

  4. hi, thanks!
    the Red IS the eye whole eye. like this (|). Then if you think, the two sticking up leaves to the left of that are like ear tufts. His nose sort of mearges into the forest a bit more, but there is another plant just near the tip of the nose.

    I have thought of even more things about him. You see. You have to be careful with rainforest dragons. Instead of breathing fire, they have some sort of poison because they eat the little poison dart frogs. Awww. Well they have to eat something! I think they must eat malaria mosquitos, too. All of that makes them a bit dangerous if they are caught off guard.

    But most of my dragons are friendly, so this one must be. I think the girl who discovers him must go on to become good friends and he helps her to get rid of the bad men who are chopping the forest to make a plantation. He is actually very friendly to the Indians who live in that area of the Amazon.

    Big Grins! Sandy
    PS He doesn't like piranha very much. They are a bit sharp going down.

  5. PSS If you look at the colour of his tongue, you can tell what kind he ate last. If he has too many, he has indigestion and has to eat quite a few bananas to feel better again.

    Okay, I better stop now!

  6. Wow! What an imagination...... I am REALLY looking forward to this series!!

  7. This is just too much fun Sandy! I await the next installment :)You really do have some imagination.
    The sparkle red is perfect! I love this!!!


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