Thursday, October 02, 2008

ren's unfinished #25

21 inches wide x 30 inches high, approximately
fabric collage

So, here is my unfinished piece. Sigh. It will get finished, just not by the end of this week.
The theme is "Solar" and the colors are Yellow-Oranges and Blue-Purples. Of course, you see no purples yet; they will be laid on with thread later.


  1. Hi Ren - This is another piece with great graphic appeal. I love all the sharp points (I think of them as teeth). I hope you will post again when you are finished with it. It will be interesting to see how the quilting changes it.

  2. Great sunrays Ren! Will you embellish with something sparkley to 'heat it up'?

  3. Ren, i am looking forward to seeing this once completed.

  4. Thank you, all! Cherie, yes there will be beading running the length of each ray, at least. I'm thinking of using some metallic thread, too, in the thread painting-like stuff I plan on. Roberta: I hadn't thought of teeth, but you are right! Should the title be: Solar Dental? :D

  5. I too look forward to the completion of this piece. It has a great beginning.

  6. This is different, and it will be great to see how you complete it.
    Again, the length makes this impressive.
    Are the points going up? Or are they going down?

  7. Carole,
    Well, the yellow points are going down, but the blue points are going up :) Because blue recedes from yellow, we don't pay as much attention to them. I'm wondering, though, if it might not work horizontally, too, with the yellow moving from right to left. What do you think?
    Thanks for your comments and interest.

  8. Make sure you show us what this looks like after quilted. I like the grounding of the bottom part.

  9. Hi Ren, Boy, that is an intense sun with those spikey rays...very graphic and striking. Good start...and with all your wonderful thread work, it will be a great piece.
    Glad you are back for a second year, I've enjoyed your work. You add a different point of view to the group.


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