Friday, October 31, 2008


I challenged myself to actually get the challenge done this time, and to try and interpret a photo in such a way that I got the general impression of the scene, without too much slavish attention to detail. I had a lot of fun with this picture, but found it very challenging to keep it monochromatic. I haven't sewn anything down as yet, so will repost when I have it finished.
Valerie F.


  1. Valerie, great choice of color, you have many hues of green. The only thoig I might change out are the very light trees in the background for darker ones. Do you think this might give it more perspective?

  2. Hi Valerie. I thing when this is quilted it is really going to pop. Nice job of simplifying the scene.

  3. Hi Valerie...I know exactly what you mean about "slavish attention to detail". I try so hard to be free and let it just flow, but not really my 'thing' I guess...LOL
    This is really pretty. I am looking forward to seeing it stitched. Please be sure to post and let us know :)

  4. Valerie,
    great use of evocative of a forest.
    I, for one, love your lavish attention to detail!

  5. Hi Valerie - This has a great feeling of the forest floor being in the foreground with the big trees in the distance. The ferny things with their greater detail contrasts so well with the less detailed trees. Of course, I may have your intent totally wrong! But I think it is a beautiful piece. I look forward to seeing the piece after it has some thread on it.

  6. Hi Valerie, I love it and would not change a thing! Good contrasts in values and textures, there's a foreground, mid ground and far ground (good scale!) and great variety for interest. You'll add more depth with the quilting, so that's perfect. Just want to mention...there are 3 colors here, so technically it's an analogous color scheme rather than a monochromatic. But analogous is exactly what this piece's gorgeous.

  7. Valerie, can't wait to see this piece when it is done. It looks like you have used some very interesting fabrics.


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