Saturday, November 01, 2008

Arched Window

My quilt is from a photo I took in Sept while visiting Fort McHenry in Baltimore. I enjoy taking photos of architecure and distorting the scale, proportion and perspective. The barred window was in the courtyard of the fort and I took several pictures until I was satisfied. My series is supposed to be circles, so by using the curved edges of the arch and the bars, you could say I did use circles. The shadows are achieved w/ pencil and oil pastel, the bricks are quilted as is the texture on the right wall. My quilt measures 17"x21". (The above-mentioned photo is in the Yahoo folder.)


  1. Ann, I really like this piece. The fabrics work together so well and you have also achieved perspective. Very good likeness of the photo.

  2. Hi Ann - You have really succeeded in creating depth and perspective. I can't figure out how you did it but the bars actually look rounded. This is an excellent use of grays.

    I wonder if it would have had even more depth if the background fabric was less detailed and contrasted a little more with the window sill.

    Super work!

  3. Ann, this piece reminds me of photos I took of the old fort in St. Augustine, FL. I see the depth because of the shading on your rounded bars. Like Roberta, I wonder what would happen if you used some additional shading on the window sill and the 'hole' to make it recede?

    Nice piece!

  4. Good suggestions from Roberta and Janice. I will try and darken the sill.

  5. Hi Ann, I like your idea and many elements of the execution of the idea. I think some of the suggestions above to enhance the depth will improve it. What do you think about adding a dark line to one of the sides of the bars? It might make them pop out a bit more from the background. I guess my main comment is about value...I think it might be more dramatic if there were some lights in there with the mediums and darks. Wonderful choices of fabrics for the wall and bars...evocative of mottled stone and rusting metal. Good job...I look forward to seeing what interesting pieces you come up with this year...I always enjoy your work!

  6. Ann, I echo what has been said above about adding a little more contrast between a couple of the sections.

    I love this kind of piece with the distortion of the size relationships. Well done!

  7. Ann, i love the roundness of those bars you made.
    Excellent work.


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