Friday, November 07, 2008

Changes to Green Fence

Thank you all for your encouraging comments. Taking your suggestings to heart, I have made changes to my Green Fence quilt. I have cut the left edge to the fence line as several of you suggested, and it does look better this way. Also paintsticks were used to add interest and shading, and sashiko quilting is added in the foreground (as this is a Japanese garden in my garden series). FMQ was added to the background, though this doesn't show up well in the photo.

I really appreciate your comments as I learn a lot from them. I have not had any art training, but am having such fun with this! Linda Mac in Wyo

(Pre-changes photo added by Cynthia for comparison)


  1. Hi Linda - I think the changes you have made have improved this a lot. The addition of the shadow from the tree and more detail on the pathway gives more depth to the piece. And I think the way you have cropped the left side gives the piece a feeling of unity that it lacked before. Great work.

  2. Hi again, Thanks for posting the revised piece. It looks really good!

  3. Linda,
    I think that the changes you have made have improved this piece immensely.
    much more cohesive!

  4. Linda,
    Your changes work extremely well, it is good for us to see the change as it helps each of us with our own composition challenges. Nice work. Joni

  5. The first thing I said was "oh, wow! That looks really good!"...the changes were subtle, but make a big impact. Nice job!

  6. I like the differences between the two pieces. The second one works very well.

  7. Great job! I admire that you reworked it so quickly and effectively. It is more unified now.


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