Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Challenge 27

Finally caught up with making Christmas gifts, and had time to work on Challenge 27. I got the lights and darks I think, but couldn't decide on a close up or far view, so my Desert Garden (part of my garden series) has both, though that was not the concept suggested. I had a lot of fun making this. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Happy Holidays from LindaMac in Wyo.


  1. You have created a lovely piece with a wonderful sense of depth. I like the colors and prints in the fabrics you chose.

    Have you looked at your picture in black and white? The coyotes (wolves?) seem like they might be the center of interest, but their heads are nearly lost against the mottled grey hill.

    The moon is the brightest spot in the composition.

    What if you added some satin stitching in a very light colored thread (white or pale yellow) to define the coyotes' fur? It would bring some of the bright moonlight into the foreground, and could make the coyotes stand out more from the dark hill.

  2. I think I have to agree, that the coyotes tend to blend in a bit too much, but I wondered if that was intentional--trying to make them a less obvious part of the picture. If they are to be the focus, I think they need to be brought out a bit more. Overall, I love this piece. The subtle colours owrk well together, and there is obvious depth to it. Love those coyotes. I so envy peole with that degree of technical skill. Very nicely done.


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