Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Moon Walker

Here is my late and work in progress piece for this Challenge.
I spray dyed a piece of warm and natural batt as well as a piece of scrim. I laid the scrim on top ,spread around some rovings [after blending them into something I liked] to match my 'moon' minds eye. I felted them down adding just a bit of lighter color and light across the top... in an afterglow effect.
I painted and generally had fun with the 'moon' fabric, cut it into 1/2" strips and wove them together.I ironed that onto a fusible pellon, cut out the circle, started laying things out,stitching ala Pamela Allen [what would I have done if I hadn't taken her class??]
What is it you say......remember the last full moon? Well, it was closer to the earth than it has been all year, and so... was 14% bigger. As we sat outside, enjoying the moonrise and the sun set, the moon was all dappled, very close and the after glow from the sunset spun across the quickly darkening sky. In my imagination, why I saw a Moon Walker.......do you see him in my moon?

There is my story..... now I need your input.
Did I get the dark.... ok, I know I did, but what about the light? Linda will likely be the best judge on that because she knows what she was after in this challenge.
I remember somewhere it said the light and the dark should each tell a story, do they?
I tried it in Black and White in my newly purchased Photoshop [something else to learn] an I thought I did.

Your comments are more than welcome [needed].


  1. Well, I must say it is fantastic! Looks like that needle felting machine is working, and the addition of the hand stitching is super. In my mind you have captured the essence of this challenge, good job Carole.

  2. wow, carole! i think this is a wonderful piece. you hit the mark for the challenge IMO.

  3. Hi Carole, good to hear from you! I love the moon and love the effects of your materials and hand stitches. My only comment is about the purple/blue area. It's a bit of a distraction from the moon and creates an imbalance. I see 2 elements..the moon and the purple mass...would it look more balanced if there were more purple in the background or another area of color or more of the golden color & stitches somewhere(like you have at the top of the purple area). Maybe it's the line of demarcation at the bottom of the purple...would that look better softened?
    It looks like you had fun and came up with a good piece in spite of not having a sewing machine. Good work!

  4. Where did it say that the light and the dark should each tell a story? That isn't anything I said, but it is an interesting idea.

    Look at the black and white version of your quilt from a distance. Is value helping you say what you were trying to say with this quilt?

    I see the top half as mostly dark with a lighter curved line. The bottom half mostly medium light colored, and the bottom left broken up with an interesting grid.

    The colors are lovely. Perhaps you could unify the piece more by adding some of the purple to other parts of the composition.

    You could make the moon a stronger focal point and bring it into the foreground more by adding a very dark color in the background around the moon, and adding some very light higlights to the moon itself.

  5. Hi Carole,
    I think your moon is wonderful, and I like the play of light in this piece. You have achieved alot of texture as well as created alot of interest. I can see the moon walker, and like the way he is really only suggested or hinted at. Nice work!


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