Saturday, December 13, 2008

Moonlight on Water by Cynthia Ann Morgan

My piece for Challenge 27 continues with the theme of quilts based on the look of vintage woodcuts. I choose a close view of flowing water with reflections of the moon on water as highlights. Darkest dark and lightest light and values in between make up the ribbons of water. I used my hand dyed fabrics and Misty Fuse and plan to quilt it heavily with lots of flowing lines and maybe a bit of metallic thread. I've been working larger this year, and that's challenging to get it designed, constructed and quilted in a reasonable time will get quilted, just not sure when. Size is 22 x 52"


  1. This looks like it should be three-dimensional to me, gives me the sense that there are actual layers! I like the way the central stream meanders over everything.

  2. very, very nice. add more verys...I like it very much!

  3. Hi Cynthia - You've done it again - another beautiful and interesting piece. I think the woodcut theme is working really well for you.

  4. The center curving line ties this whole piece together, and is a good focal point. It's a wonderful flowing piece that keeps me looking.

  5. this series is wonderful. each one gets better and better. do i see a one man show in your future?

  6. Hi Cynthia,

    You're doing such fabulous and interesting work in a stylized Japanese mode. I love it and look forward to seeing many more extraordinary pieces!

    Cay Denise


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