Thursday, December 04, 2008

Untitled Experiment #1

About 5-1/2 inches square........A new direction for me. This is my first attempt at machine applique and machine free-motion quilting. Also a huge departure for me from realism to abstraction. I know the technique needs work but I had a lot of fun. I'll definitely be doing more like this in the future. Thanks for the push....I needed it.


  1. Great experiment. I wouldn't have guessed that this was your first attempt at machine applique or quilting, it looks good. Keep at it, you'll get better, and it will get easier.

  2. Cheryl, this is a happy piece, I like your choice of colors. And for a first, you are on your way!
    Is your theme flowers?

  3. Hi Cheryl, so glad you're back. This is a big change from your past work. I really like your other work, it's colorful, precise and playful...but I really like this new direction too! It's more abstract and free flowing. Congrats on a successful piece and taking a step out of your comfort zone. Keep it up!

  4. Cheryl,
    What a lively use of color you have on this piece. It works well together. I agree with Rhoda, this is a happy piece.

  5. Hi, I like the added texture of the flowers you achieved with your free motion quilting. It's always fun to try something different than our usual.

  6. Hi Cheryl - This piece is so much fun. I like the variety of colors and fabrics you have chosen. My favorite part is the yellow center of the blue flower and your curly quilting around it.

    You are off to a great start with the FMQ and applique.

  7. I love your fabric choices. I find myself being drawn in as I study it. Very nice...

  8. Your quilt has a fun, whimsical feeling to it. The decorative stitching adds to the overall "loose" texture.

  9. What a happy piece. It looks like you had fun creating it. To me it seems to meet the objectives of the challenge. I am amazed that it is only 5 1/2".


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