Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hope (5" x 8.5")

Better late than never. Still experimenting with machine quilting. New for me this time........fusible web! I enjoyed this process and will try more with the web. I still feel uneasy leaving the edges unsecured so I did some zig-zagging. I liked that process, too. I have a yen to do more word art pieces so I think that will be my series theme. All this is so out of my comfort zone....but in the end, it was fun.


  1. Cheryl, very nice, bright and happy. and the green leaf zinger really draws the eye. Well done.

  2. Cheryl, I like this! I like your color and pattern combos and that you used florals and geometrics. Your green leaf certainly says 'hope'.

  3. Cheryl. . . The little sprout really sends a message. Nice colorful palette.

  4. Hi Cheryl - Even though you've pushed yourself out of your comfort zone, you are doing a great job. Your use of a variety of fabrics and colors is very effective. I agree with everyone else that the green sprig is the centerpiece of the quilt. Keep it up!

  5. Your sprout certainly is what lends itself to hope!
    Nicely done... and the sprout is without a doubt the centerpiece.
    I hope... no pun intended... that you stay out of your comfort zone and look forward to more 'word art'.

  6. A bold, exuberant, and fun piece. Sureley your "hope" is a certain and expantant hope. I like the flow of the background fabric. And then I noticed the spiders. Are they hopeful too? Or is hope sweeping up the cobwebs and chasing the spiders away? Or was it just the right color of purple? Just curious. They add a bit of wimsy to the piece.

  7. Lovely little piece, and i really like the little touch of whimsy in the spiders and the leaf ( although the leaf is actually the focus of the piece) It really pays to stretch youself a little, and you will come to love fusing!
    Pat F in Winnipeg


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