Monday, January 19, 2009


I have finally finished and posted challenge #28, even BEFORE 29 is issued...LOL I will have to continue working with stitches in my finger due to infection. My advice is "DON'T SEW THROUGH YOUR FINGER"!

This quilt has been a challenge since the get-go. I drew my cartoon as soon as it was issued, chose and prepared the fabrics with stabilizer, and then had to make a trip to Utah. I was only one week behind when I got home, so I was furiously working on getting posted when I sewed clean through my pinkie halfway between base of nail and first joint. (well, maybe not so clean, as the needle shattered as I yanked my hand , ripping the flesh to the bone and leaving 3 sections of needle lodged in my finger...YOWZER!)
I really have loved this challenge though :-)
The floating diamonds (my series is 'shapes') feel like a happy, lazy day flying kites or something..."jubilation".
My zinger was to be the yellow running through one set of diamonds, but I honestly think the red seems more like a zinger. What do you think? Your comments and suggestions appreciated, as usual...
The quilt measures 27"x36"


  1. Cherie.... that is exactly how I saw it quilted! Doesn't it look nice? Sometimes the simple lines of 'echo' are the ones that help make the statement.
    Well done and I am so glad you got it finished,,,, sore finger and all.

  2. Thank you so much Carole for both of your comments. I tried several different ways of quilting the background (on paper), but I always returned to echo as the best. And yes, I LOVE Dupioni silk!

    Thanks to Della and Roberta as well for your suggestions. I truly appreciate them and take the advice to heart :-)

  3. Hi Cherie - the echo quilting turned out to be just the right choice. Congratulations on a job well done!


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