Monday, January 12, 2009

Succulent III

It was a difficult challenge for me. I like how the quilt came out, but I don’t think it fits the theme of the challenge well. How do you show emotions with succulents?

My first idea of flower stalks reaching upwards to depict joy was abandoned, since the only flowers blooming on my succulents right now seem to be the sorts that bend downwards. And the stalks all seem to be at awkward angles. I was having trouble getting a composition I liked. So I settled for leaves reaching upwards. Is it joyful? Maybe.

The original intent was to edge the larger leaves with bright red the way it is in my garden. It was to be my “zinger” color to fit the theme of the challenge. But now I think I should leave well enough alone. I don’t think it needs the red, and I’m afraid to overwork it now that it seems done.

The original photo was backlit with strong light along the edges of the back leaves. I may go back and soften some of the white edges and make the white blend into the green more.


  1. WONDERFUL! I'm not sure about fitting the challenge, but it really intriques me. How did you get all of the texture. Is this a photo print or a painting. To me it feels very restful. Maybe that is because I love plants

  2. Thanks Ann. I traced one of my photos as a guide for painting, and painted in the medium and dark values with Setacolor paint. The texture comes from heavy quilting, and then putting in the light values with opaque fabric paint.

  3. Hi Linda - I'm not sure joy would be the first word to come to mind - how about beautiful? This is another outstanding piece of work. Thanks for sharing how you did the painting. The quilting adds wonderful texture and depth to the leaves. Fantastic!

  4. Linda... these succulents get better every time. Maybe that is the benefit of a series... it allows for perfection of one subject.
    I think this is so 'real', I am wanting to touch it... looks soft like lambs ears. I think the zinger is the white you used, it looks that translucent on succulents that is so elusive ...
    Well, do I think it is wonderful?
    And I think it fits the challenge. A hint of red on the edges... but why, when it looks so good this way. Your quilting really gives it the 'feel'.

  5. Linda, I think the white is the zinger, too. and for emotion, rather than joy, I see peace and healing.

    I am not sure which succulents you are depicting, but they remind me of aloes and that gives me the connotation of healing. Perhaps because I rented a room in college from a woman who used to use the juice from the aloes on burns.

    YOur succulents series will quite something when you get them all together. Perhaps you can do one with the red sometime in the future.
    Sandy in the UK

  6. Linda. . . This piece says tranquil to me. Tranquil would definitely have a subdued white zinger. Is that an oxymoron? In any event, it works. Well done.


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