Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well, this has proven to be a challenge quilt for sure! When the challenge was posted, my PC had been dead all week, so I got the instructions from my Sis, Pat Havey. I designed and sketched and picked fabrics...fused to interfacing for stabilizer...then on Sat.the 27th My DH brother was struck by a car and killed in SLC. So off to Utah for the next 10 days.
I was going great, quilting the diamonds when I had a stupid accident. I sewed clean through my pinkie finger (figure that one out!) shattering the needle and ripping the side of my finger wide open to the bone. Off to emergency to find in xray I had 3 pieces of the needle still in my finger, lodged against the bone. Two doctors scraping and hunting and 4 hours later, needle was removed and finger stitched. I was anxious to get home to see if I had ruined my quilt, but not one drop of blood got on it! (thank heaven, as the background is white dupioni silk).
The bad news is I knocked the shaft on my machine completely out of alignment and must take it for repair.Therefore...I am posting "(Too Much?) Jubilation" is, unfinished, and will re-post when I can. It measures 28"x37". My series is shapes, this time 'diamonds'.
I would love ideas for quilting the background as I haven't gotten that far and am not sure what to do . Comments and critiques gratefully accepted as usual:-)


  1. Cherie. . . As my Mama always said, "When it rains, it pours." So glad the white dupioni was spared. I like your choice of fabrics and your irregular border. As for the quilting, perhaps you should send it out! At least wait to quilt until your finger has healed and you have your focus back. Perhaps some linear quilting on the dupioni would work.

  2. Cherie..... French of course for my love... and I feel that way right at this moment! You poor dear [Cherie] thing after all you have gone through!! My oh My.... now add that My, Oh my! to how much I like this piece.
    This is terrific, my first love having been 'traditional'... I see this as so appealing and in the art quilt field.
    I see lots of possibilities for your piece, but would rather wait to see what others may suggest.
    Don't you just love working on Dupioni silk? My all time fav.
    Take care of your little finger!

  3. Hi Cherie - I'm sorry you had so many misfortunes on the way to making this quilt. Please take good care of your finger.

    I think your title fits this piece so well. It is jubilant while all the sharp points seem to communicate being run ragged.

    I often hear, mostly from traditional quilters, that you should use some curvy quilting when you have so many straight lines in the pattern. I don't believe curvy lines will calm this piece down a bit! I don't think I would try to make a statement with the quilting - even some simple stippling might be satisfying. Please post it after you have quilted it so we can see the finished work.


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