Sunday, January 25, 2009

Your Rhythm, My Blues

17" x 21"

Although I hadn't planned to work in a series, this is another piece inspired by dealing with Alzheimer's disease. The first showed the sorrow and anger I've been living with while this piece is about adjusting to the rhythm and going with the flow.

I had the idea for this piece and had started working on it prior to seeing the challenge. I had decided to use analogous colors but the red-orange was an important part of what I was trying to say. So, of course, I added that complementary color and it popped. This piece is also irregularly shaped at the top and bottom in an attempt to show movement. I think it should have been more extreme since it mostly just looks as if I don't know how to square a quilt!

This is one of the few pieces I've done that popped into my mind fully formed. All I had to do was put the picture together - what fun! I hope it happens to me again one day because I usually have to work and work to develop my quilts.

As always, I appreciate your comments.


  1. Roberta,
    I really like the irregular top and bottom as I think they add to the overall design. The piece wouldn't be nearly as interesting square. For me, the orange stitching says "go with the flow". Thank you for sharing your emotions. Good Job!

  2. Roberta, when I was reading up on analogous colors, there was an option to use one complementary, too. I left that out to keep the challenge simpler, but your piece is a wonderful example of why that works as well as it does. The red not only pops but pulls everything together, too. And it expresses that bit of anger or frustration that comes with dealing with uncontrollable and sad things in our lives. Thanks for doing this one. Hope it helped you, too. Ren

  3. Roberta, this looks like something I would make! Love it. Very dynamic colors and energy... and it continues your story! Good work.

  4. Hi Roberta
    I am carried along on your softly undulating flow, but to me the red bars feel like road blocks-take a deep breath- then continue. Really effective!
    I love the different quilting designs in each 'wave' as well.

  5. Roberta, you are putting so much of yourself into these pieces and it shows. I too love the undulating waves and the red looks like pauses along the way. Great job. Always a pleasure to view your new work.

  6. Roberta,
    This is a beautiful piece in it's simplicity. I love the flowing feeling you have created, and sense the emotion you are trying to portray. Some of the red bars seem to be fighting the flow a little, but perhaps that is all part of what you are feeling now. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself in your work.

  7. Roberta... this is powerful... and how the complementary color makes the statement you are wanting to make. this is so well done, and my hat is off to you in being able to use this medium as a coping mechanism. You are great and so is your work!

  8. Roberta, great use of colours to express emotion. It's great when the work just seems to pour out of you...and flows.

  9. Roberta - I agree with all the other positive comments. This piece really works.

  10. Hi Roberta, I love a simple, effective piece like this. Amazing how you can get so much movement and rhythm with some staight lines! Great colors, perfect red accents.
    Really good piece...congrats.

  11. Roberta, this is a wonderful piece. I love the static red cutting across the soft rhythm of the blues. I think your edge is just right since it wasn't evident to me until reading your description.



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