Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Catch A Falling Star 2

original design and flipped design which a few like better

I thought I posted this last night. However, it is not here. Now I'm wondering where I did post. LOL. Please let me know if you see it somewhere it doesn't belong.
I'm happy with this little quilt. I think it has the analogous colors, not sure about the movement. I used Lois Jarvis beautiful rust-tex fabric, velveteen, gold thread and gold beads. Basically I just enhanced her fabric. The combination of materials is very lush and rich in textural interest. It really beacons one to touch. Not sure if that is a good thing or not.
You might have noticed, I did NOT stick to my people theme. After the first try which I suffered with for 3 weeks, I decided to do something F U N!


  1. I like both ways. The first appears as though the star is just beginning to fall since the left border is narrower whereas the second one with the wider left border makes it appear that the star's life has almost ended. Love your color choices, too.

  2. Hi Ann, This is a lush your combination of fabrics and the bit of glint with the thread and beads...Good job! I like the 2nd orientation best...the movement seems more natural and the starry night is at the top with a firey bottom. Glad you had fun at last!

  3. Hi Ann - Your background fabric is really good - is that the velveteen that you mentioned? Is it hand-dyed?

    These both turned out so well and I like each of them. The second attracts my eye more than the first. I think you succeeded in depicting movement with your "shadow" stars. Very attractive work. Glad you kept at it until you found something that pleased you!


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