Saturday, March 07, 2009


Here I am with 15 minutes to spare before the deadline!! That may be a record for me.

Flow is 11 3/4" x 14".

This quilt doesn't follow with my vegetation theme--although my husband says it looks like a leaf shape. I used the S-curve and red, blue-green, and yellow-green. I drew out the pattern, transferred it to Wonder-Under, cut out those shapes and fused to fabric. I ironed them to my press sheet--which was transparent enough to see the original pattern underneath.

After everything was in place and joined, I peeled them off the press sheet and fused them onto the background. I've never done this before and it worked well for me. The edge is four strands of a lush "lumpy" cording I've had for years.



  1. Hi Sally, you have created a lot of movement with the s-curve. I really like your strong color useage, too. Nice work!

  2. Hi Sally, it's very organic and fierce, like a man-eating plant (better warn your husband)...
    the colors and fabrics have a glow to them that is fascinating. Great job!

  3. Hey, you girl, with 15 minutes to spare!! I laughed when I saw that...
    You said not vegetation? My first thought was 'peas'.... well....

    This is a great piece, lots of color, interesting technique and thank you for sharing that. Your edge treatment really works with this. The S-curve is nicely pronounced.. I can only say
    'Well done!'

  4. Sally, I'm impressed that you were able to get this done - and on time too. My composition is still just a sketch. Your name "flow" really fits this piece, and I like the color choices. It really does have an organic feel, plants are allowed to abstract. Nice work!

  5. Sally:
    I echo the comments above. Also, the name says it all. I love the colors, love the organic feel. Great job!

  6. Wow! I was just scrolling through and your piece brought me to a "full stop". Very nicely designed, great use of colour--I love it.
    Pat F in Winnipeg


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