Sunday, March 01, 2009


I think this is the fewest colors and fewest pieces I've ever used on a quilt. And, I got lucky, too. I scanned over the challenge directions noting the split-complimentary theme and missed the 'S' curve part altogether, but lo and behold the penguin's neck is in a definite 'S' curve. I chose the color of orange and the split-complimentary colors were blue-violet and blue-green. I chose to use some very simple quilting overall.


  1. Hi Jan, I love the simplicity of this piece...and my favorite colors of orange and blue. Nice interpretation of the S-curve.

  2. Hi Jan - Your penguin is very appealing. I think the colors and the curves tell us all about the penguin without needing more colors or more pieces to define him (or her!) A striking piece of work. Sometimes simple is very appealing.

  3. Jan, this is right on....
    An example when less is more.
    Just curious, will he have an eye?
    Well done!

  4. Jan this is simple and elegant. I love your penguin, he really makes the "S" curve part of the challenge in a wonderful way. Your choice of colors in this piece are well done too. Nice work!

  5. I second the 'simple and elegant' description. Nice piece. Your quilting enhances the shape of the penquin. A successful work.

  6. Very nice S curve. The colors work really well seems very cold.

  7. Hi Jan, nice curves! The texture of the background fabric with the color variation and stippling gives it a crunchy icy feel. Good job!

  8. Very nice and yes so simple. Well done!

  9. Jan, I shouldn't have said simple, I meant simplistic, in that you have one object that is the focus and it's wonderful.


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