Friday, May 01, 2009


After a two month sewing hiatus, it felt good to play with fabric and my machine. I made my grid on Monday but wasn’t happy with the outcome as it looks more like a background. I thought about adding some dimensional flowers as the grid reminded me of a garden trellis.

Tuesday, I decided to draft a new quilt with a garden trellis as my grid challenge when my daughter came to town unexpectantly. I do plan on making the trellis with a variety of dimensional flowers and experimenting with some of Kumiko Sudo’s origami designs. This will be one of my retreat projects.

This was a fun project for me as I enjoy the random cutting and piecing with no plan or design in mind. I do think I will cut off the black border and square it up as it isn’t enough out of square to look like part of the design and add some surface embellishment. For now, it will hang on the design wall until something comes to mind.

I used blue-violet, violet, red violet, purple and fuchsia for my analogous scheme with chartreuse as the compliment. This piece measures 16”x 18”.

Thank you, Joni, for the challenge and as always, each challenge is a learning experience with all the great concepts and examples.

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.



  1. I really like it as is and even if you don't get the trellis completed with flowers I think you have a dynamic quilt. The upward wavy lines really counter-balanced the powerful colors and lines of the grid. Well done!

  2. Hi Pam... love these colors!! I agree with Jan, even if you don't get the trellis and flowers on [and I hope you do]... it looks great!

  3. Pam this is lively and fun. Your colors are so fresh and playful, and the bits of lime fabric make it really dance. I support your idea to square it up, but the black border does compliment the piece. This work looks great as it is, but if it calls you from the design wall for other things, that would be cool too! Nice job.

  4. Very nice, the curvy lines really add interest. Your grid of different shapes, sizes and colors also make for a very interesting piece.

  5. There is alot of dimension in this one. It feels like looking through windows at a lovely sunset over the water...

  6. Pam:
    I agree that the piece is sufficient as is. If you add anything to it, I would enjoy seeing the results. I enjoy looking at it and like the playfulness of it.
    Well done!

    Betty Warner


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