Thursday, May 28, 2009

Challenge 33

I'm almost ashamed to post this meager quilt after all the wonderful ones that have been posted. But here it is with an explanation. It was one that I did for an exercise in Katie P. Masopaust's book "Color and Composition" in March. That was a monochromatic color scheme with a focal point. I was unhappy with it since I didn't use enough of a variance of green and it all was very 'BLAH' and nothing could be picked out due to the overuse of medium color choices I made. I was contemplating what to do for this challenge when I found this buried in a pile of fabric and thought, "Aha! A muted, grayed color scheme." I got some permanent markers out and began to paint the berries a maroon color so that they could be seen and not be lost other than in the focal point area. I began to paint them before I took a picture so I took a partial before photo and an after photo. It's not completely quilted and I don't know if I will finish it but it does look much better and I feel that I've learned from both the before and after exercises.


  1. what a difference! was it a surprise that your makeover for this challenge is so different than the first one? I think this has a real antique print quality to it and I love it.

  2. Jan, your rework looks great! The burgandy was just what this needed. Isn't it fun to make something come alive in your work? Nice job.

  3. Jan, this is a fabulous piece, and the remake turned our fabulous. I wouldn't have thought of these as neutral colors, but with some education it is a wonderful lend of neutrals.

  4. Amazing was my first thought. I liked the 'old-world' feel to the piece straight away, then when I read your details, I am amazed. You say you learned from the before and after, I did, too!
    Thank you for sharing this!

  5. I liked the before, but I LOVE the after! Good save...


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