Saturday, May 02, 2009

Earth, fire, wind, water

This challenge came exactly at the right time when I needed a small project to get myself back into quilting after the local quilt guild quilt show that I was co-chair of was over. My theme is what ever is going on in my life at the time-and I think this fits my theme in that I was ready to do something fun, not too mentally taxing, and just for myself! My inspiration was a quilt on my computer without any name attached to it-its definitely not a copy but used the idea of the square within a square in different sizes. My analogous colors are blue and green, with the compliment of rust-orange (one of my favorite color combinations). It turned out to be 38" x 26"-kept growing as I kept having fun with it. It still needs quilting and maybe some embellishment with dark orange thread or beads or whatever. Thanks for providing just the impetus I needed this week to get back into gear, Joni.


  1. Hi Nancy, I really like this piece, to me it is very soothing, very peaceful. The square in a square... but sorta not quite... is a favorite of mine and you have done a great job. This piece lends itself to to some embellishments doesn't it. I think you will still have some fun with this. Just one 'what-if'... have you tried turning it...? Looks like you are back in gear...good job.

  2. Nancy this is so restful and captivating. Your work with the grid is very interesting combining the strips with squares and accenting with the rusty orange lines creating even more of a grid effect. I can see where it was probably hard to stop it from growing to a much larger piece since you were having fun. Wonderful interpretation of this Challenge!

  3. Yes, very relaxing. Great use of colors.

  4. Cool colors are my favorite and like previously said, relaxing. It is close to a Montrian (please correct me if I have the wrong painter) design but better. Really like it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love the use of all the different patterned really draws my eye around. So interesting! Good work Nancy

  7. Nancy:
    I agree with the above comments. Interesting grid, great colors, will be fun to finish.

    Good job!

    Betty Warner


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