Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of Day Dragon

As others have said, the neutral thing is not easy. Either the colours become so muted that they all blend as one value, or you try to bring them out and they stop being so neutral.

Having said that, I'm fairly satisfied with the results.

What I did to make the scene was to have a paper around the same size which I tore the mountain area and other areas to create masks. I then sprayed the various unmasked areas with Tseuniko antiquing inks. The dragon was done seperately, the shapes cut and formed and then addded. I worked metallic crayon into it to try to add the accent.

At that stage I was quite discouraged. It looked like this.
Finally, I started working into the dragon with sharpie markers. That started to help. So, I worked into the rest with marker as well. That gave me confidence to do the stitch. The green blob in the front is meant to be a tree or bush, but I think if I worked it more, I'd have more problems.
The actual piece is slightly more muted than the top photo.

There isn't a big story for the dragon. He is just resting after a long flight at the end of the day.


  1. Hi Sandy, you sound like I felt about mine... only I haven't come as far as you have with mine.
    Maybe there are some Sharpie Markers in the future of my piece. How will you set the Marker ink? Or is it a problem?
    You have proved staying with it works, I am glad you did!

  2. Setting the ink could be a problem. I don't intend to wash this though. I have pretty much sewn over the marker now anyway. So, the marker mainly served to help me see how I should stitch it.

    Thanks for the comment.

  3. Hi Sandy, glad to see your dragon again! Have you considered outlining him in black thread and giving him a shadow? It might make him pop! But maybe he doesn't want to pop...I mean, he is resting!

  4. I am so looking forward to your dragon are going to do one, right? I really look forward to what our dragon friend is up to each month. Glad to see he gets to rest once in a while :-)


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