Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memories of Paris

I have several nature scenes I want to tackle using the neutral color concept but I opted to go a different route for this challenge for two reasons:

1) I have to leave early tomorrow morning to judge a quilt show in the southern part of the state and I won't be home again until Saturday. I needed something I could accomplish quickly!
2) I am teaching a class on fabric painting using Dye-na-flo paints at Quilt Wyoming in July and I really need a couple more samples to show my students.

This, therefore, is a small (12" x 14") painted wholecloth with an added border. I set up a still life in my dining room and made a sketch which I then transferred to fabric. I tried to keep all the colors neutral but I have a limited palette of Dye-na-flo paints and despite my best efforts, the green of the bottle came out greener than I wanted and the burgundy of the wine showed up as more red than planned. While both are certainly greyed versions of the pure hue, they are not what I consider neutrals.
I think I did better on the depth part of the challenge. I used primarily placement of objects to indicate space. Both size and color (shadows) are also used to a lesser degree.
At this point the piece is very minimally quilted with just enough stitching to stabilize it as I want to wait until I am home next week so I can concentrate on doing a good job.


  1. I like the way you framed this for emphasis on the neutral colors. Good luck with your class. You do a nice job with the medium.

  2. What great muted colors. The neutrals work so well for this type of still life. I'd love to see it quilted! A lovely piece in progress.

  3. Oh, I can taste that great Parisian bread. This piece is soooo realistic I feel like I am sitting in one of the many sidewalk cafes watching the world pass and reminiscing about the great day spent touring a fabulous city.

  4. What a lovely use of dya-na-flow paints! The bottle and the glasses really look transparent. The neutral colors yield a calm and restful feeling, and make the viewer wish they could partake of the wine and bread. Ahh, that's the life. Excellent interpretation of this challenge!

  5. Kathy, this is just fantastic. The colors are wonderful, the purple wine , darker at the bottom are great! Love the border the way it picks up the colors in the composition.
    I think you have achieved great depth with the placement of the elements.

  6. Looks good enough to sit down to!! I can almost smell the fresh bread and the wine. Lovely, and I look forward to seeing it completely quilted.

  7. Terrific! Can't wait to see it quilted.


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