Saturday, June 27, 2009

Desert Rain

This is the first in a series I am calling *Illustrated Haiku*, the verse is my original and first attempt at doing a Haiku..don't know if it is actually one and don't know if it's any good, but I liked it so went with
Anyhow, my colors are purple, orange and green, colors are darker than seen here, at least on my screen.
It is all hand pieced and made mostly of felt, the middle "painted desert" mountains are cotton. not really sure they give the effect I was hoping for though. The spines on the cactus are made with white embroidery floss, the rain is a metallic thread that has white, light blue and pinkish colors in it and I scattered some silvery bugle beads around too.
I purposely did the Haiku in wavy lines and primitive embroidered letters .
Not sure if I met the pattern part, I was thinking the pricklies of the cactus, the rain, and if you notice I did wavy lines in the sand to represent mini dunes. I meant to do another line right next to each in a darker color to add more contrast,but totally forgot.
This is 8x10 and isn't quilted in the traditional sense of the word, it IS sewn to a piece of card stock and some outline stitching was done through the felt and card stock. It is going to be framed so I didn't want it too thick. The metal brackets you see on the edges now holds a piece of clear glass in front of this, I kept it off for picture purposes. The frame will allow it to stand or be hung.
Feels good to do a challenge finally. Hope you like it, comments as usual are welcome.


  1. I think the texture on this is very good. I like how the raindrops and the cactus spikes and the primitive writing sort of "speak to each other"in a manner of speaking. The design element has connections that work well together.

    I think the perspective is great! The fabric or whatever you used for the mountains really sets them back in the distance. And the blank looking desert really gives that arid quality mentioned in the poem.

    At first I thought the fancy spacers detracted, but the more I look at it, the more I think it helps with the perspective,scene and the "illustrated words concept.

    It will be interesting to see the rest in the series. Do you already have a theme in mind with the words, or will they come as the occassion warrants?

  2. Thanks for the nice comments Sandy :-)
    The mountains are from a piece of commercial fabric that immediately said desert to me when I saw it in the fabric store, so I grabbed a couple of fqs.
    By spacers do you mean the corner pieces? I wanted frames with no wood or anything just a plain piece of glass and all I can find around here is this kind. the edges hold the glass in place and that's it. I would have liked a simpler look myself.
    No special theme in mind, I am just going to keep writing the verses and as the challenges come up will pick one that fits. I plan on making them in between challenges too though and putting them on etsy maybe I will get lucky and sell

  3. I love this piece. Texture is definitely there as is depth with the corner pieces and cactus in front. Your colors are triadic and beautiful as only the desert can be. Your Haiku is a beautiful verse! If you're going to do a series of Haiku and quilts have you thought about having them published? What a lovely book this would be from a talented poet and quilter.

  4. Jan, I would never have thought of publishing but the idea is growing on me. Thanks for mentioning it and the nice comments too!
    Hmmm, wonder how many pieces would be needed to make a good book...

  5. Like those who responded already, I think you nailed the challenge and I love the idea of your 'Haiku' with quilts. Terrific. It will be interesting also to see what follows.

    Betty Warner

  6. Cathy, It's great to have you back and participating. I love your work and this one really demands and emotional response, you can feel the earth crying out with joy as it gets a refreshing soaking of rain. Your poem is excellent, and I had to look up what a Haiku was. Not so easy to write, you did a wonderful job on that too. I also think a book might be good if you are doing a series. Oh, and by the way, you did a great job on the elements of this challenge.

  7. I can only echo the words above, and I must admit I need a refresher on Haiku... but if this is it.. I like it.. a lot!
    Very well done.
    I am already looking forward to seeing more.
    Don't you just love the 8 x 10 format? I sure do.

  8. Hi Cathy, I really like the idea and the execution of your series idea! This one is lovely with a folk art feel to it. Great job! Glad you got your mojo back!

  9. This is wonderful Cathy! I will look forward to future quilts with Haiku...Cherie

  10. Cathy, this is great. Great texture achieved with your stitching, and like Carole I too need a refresher on Haiuku...look forward to seeing more.

  11. My favorite thing is the stitching on the cactus. Its sharpness is very convincing!


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