Saturday, July 04, 2009

After the Rain

My guild had a fabric painting class last weekend. How convenient! One of our exercises (of many) was using triad colors (fushia, yellow, turquoise) and creating a sun scene. It was very interesting to see how everyone interpreted this challenge.
I was actually fairly pleased with the result and realized that this would meet the challenge for this month. Texture is created with some fast machine quilting. It is unbound at this time... that will come later. I'm thinking it will just be faced and turned. Size is 15 x 20".
Thanks, Cythnia, for a fun challenge (and the timing was perfect!).....
Comments of course, are welcome!


  1. Hi Wendy,
    Your painted quilt is wonderful. It reminds me of some fabulous sunsets I have witnessed while vacationing in Hawaii. The quilting motifs you have chosen add to its overall dreamy quality. Good job!

  2. I especially like the quilting in the sun. Yes, it does look like an Hawaiian sunset. Makes me wish I was on the beach with a glass of wine toasting a delightful day/wonderful sunset, anticipating the "flash" as the sun disappears in the ocean.

    Great colors!!


  3. Hi Wendy.. what a delightful piece. You must have been excited as this piece of your work revealed itself and fit in with the Challenge.
    I love your quilting motifs.
    good job.

  4. Wendy this is a wonderful piece, and I especially like the texture and motion created by the quilting. The center of the sun was a delightful surprise. Very nice!

  5. I love your painted quilt! Really makes me want to get back to some painting and dyeing. Nice work...

  6. Hi Wendy, glad you could join us for the challenge. Pretty colors and so impressionistic....lovely piece!


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