Friday, July 31, 2009

Hawaiian Kaleidoscope by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Here's my piece for the Radial Symmetry challenge. I started with 2 Hawaiian applique blocks that I did ages ago before I lost interest in hand applique. I "deconstructed" them by inserting strips, slicing up, and adding fused applique parts. Then quilted it to death. Usually I plan out my design, but this one...not at all. So that spontaneity was very much fun! The result reminds me of looking into a Kaleidoscope. Comments and greetings welcome!

PS...this is what one of the blocks looked like before deconstruction ----->


  1. Thanks in advance for your comments!

  2. Cynthia... recycling meets radial symmetry! Nice piece and very kaleidoscopic! I was hoping someone would pull a Hawaiian out! and you did.... As usual, your quilting and detail are fabulous! Do you have a pix of the original before you wacked it up?

  3. WOW...this is a deconstruction that turned out marvelous!
    And yes the quilting is great, love the colors, great piece of art!

  4. The sum is greater than the parts. It's beautiful, Cynthia.

  5. Cynthia, this is wonderful. It is amazing that after you deconstructed and recycled, the piece still has an Hawaiian feel to it. Great interpretation of the challenge.

  6. This is so different than what I was watching for Cynthia.... it is GREAT!! Again, you are an inspiration.
    There is definitely new life in recycling!

  7. What a brave soul...and such great results. Hand applique is so much work but look how wonderful it looks with a contemporary twist to it.


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