Saturday, July 25, 2009


Looks like I'm the first but we're leaving for a few days so I needed to work quickly.

I used orange and yellow fabrics with some decorative stitching, Angelina fiber, and then radiating swirls done with machine quilting to depict the universe forming and radiating out from an intense core depicted by a swirled button. Any colors chosen would be colors from nature in one form or another so that part was simple. The radiating design is off-center but the swirls can draw the viewer into the picture or take one's eyes outward from the core.

This is postcard size so it could be constructed quickly and so I can use it in the future for an exchange.


  1. Jan, you got it! Nice work..... what I love about radial symmetry is the way the eye draws in ... and you've accomplished this beautifully! Great color choices (copper is a personal fav), and the button gives great contrast!

  2. Simple, yet effective. It could be a scene from space. Or a seashell. The black & white button is nice, but seems a bit out of place. You might consider adding more black & white to the piece.

  3. Hi Jan
    Love your colors. I agree with Linda, would like to see a little of the black and white carried through...just a touch, to pull it together. It seems to stop the swirling in the center. Perhaps because the spiral and the swirl of the button go in opposite directions instead of flowing into each other?

  4. Jan:
    I love the colors and the way you have used the Angelina. I think you nailed the challenge. The button is a surprise, but something unexpected is just what is needed in that spot. Regarding more black and white - were it a larger piece, I would feel more strongly that it needed it. Perhaps on this small piece, a bit of black and white placed judiciously around the edge might do, IMHO. Or perhaps, a very few black and white beads close to the edge might do it. Again, IMHO.

    Great job getting a challenge done on your way out the door.

    Betty Warner

  5. Jan, this is beautiful! I like the simplicity of it, and yet it meets all the requirements of this challenge. The button makes a perfect focal point. Well done!

  6. I love the colors and the swirling motion you've accomplished.
    Very nice!

  7. Jan, I really like this piece. Nice radial symmetry. It is just lovely. I wouldn't change a thing.

  8. Hi Jan, glad you could play in this challenge...what a beautiful little gem. Lovely colors and shimmer and the quilting lines are perfect for the effect you were going for. Great job!

  9. What a simple, yet effective version of this challenge!
    I love the little hearts you have sewn in the swirl too....

  10. So seemingly simple but wonderful colors and stitching to meet the challenge. Nice job!


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