Wednesday, July 01, 2009


11” X 12”

My triad color scheme is purple, orange and green. For texture, I used scraps of fabric and painted gauze for the background and bound the quilt in yarn. Unfortunately, I was over zealous in my quilting so the pieces aren’t as dimensional as I would have liked nor the yarn as interesting. I would have preferred a more textured or multicolored yarn but I have a rule for all the FFFC projects that I can only use materials already in the house.

The flowers are commercial decorative flowers and I used a variety of buttons and one silk yo-yo for the centers.

My series is shapes.

Comments are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you,


  1. I likethat you've limited yourself to mid-values. With a triad and texture, value change would be too much. It's nice to see someone else who uses silk flowers in her work. They seem to fit into art quilting so very well. Nicely done.
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  2. Wow... what a lot of excitement here!! Very colorful, very happy!
    I join Pat in that you are using what you have. That is me, too... I think quite a few are doing that. It is fun, really, wouldn't you say?
    Well done.

  3. Hi Pam, Perfect use of the triad scheme....lots of one color and smaller doses of the other two. Pushing back the background with heavy quilting really makes the flowers the focus. And the placement of the flowers is genius...balanced and interesting. Wonderful piece, congrats!

  4. Ooooh...I LOVE the red and purple flowers! What a glorious garden!

  5. I love your use of the colors and the silk flowers. This is a very interesting piece. Like you and others I also have a rule about using what I have for these challenges. It actually helps the process a lot.

    Great job!

    Betty Warner

  6. This is such a happy piece. Lot's of texture and great use of color. I really like it Pam. Great use of those silk flowers.

  7. This is an exciting piece. I love the background made of little snippets. Lots of texture, and it's just a happy little quilt!

  8. Pam, this is a very vibrant and playful piece! I like your use of the silk flowers and your trim as binding. Great use of materials.


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