Monday, August 03, 2009

Galapagos Stars

I combined two photos from our Galapagos diving trip. The red/orange starfish are Panamic Cushions and the yellow is a Chocolate Chip Star. I sponge painted over a blue fabric for the background. The dimensional corals are thread tangles from washing frayed, dyed fabrics. The quilt is bound in yarn and embellished with a variety of beads. Size: 10 X 14


  1. Cool! I especially like the way your the reds and the yellow balance each other.

  2. Pam, I really like your starfish. The painted background sets them off perfectly and adds a lot of texture. Good job on this challenge.

  3. Pam, I never thought of starfish for radial symmetry... but they work. Good color play... these would also be really effective on a dark background!

  4. Hi Pam, Cool piece...lots of background interest and artistic shapes of the starfish. The yellow starfish has less value contrast with the background, and the 2 red ones have alot more contrast, so they pop out. Because there are 2 of them with high contrast, it seems out of balance. Perhaps if there was another red one...even a partial view of one at the edge on the right would balance it?
    Good work


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