Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rhoda Seeds of Change my busyness I deleted the whole post rather than the just the picture.
So here is a new picture, you can enlarge it and see the faces.
Cynthia and Wendy thanks for your comments.
"Thanks for the wonderful challenge Wendy.
Mine is definitely a work in progress,
Continuing with my 'woman' theme, this time I have a woman and child, something
I've been meaning to do for awhile.
I did the radial symmetry background using paperpieceing. I used colors of the
sky and water.Unfortunately it looks quite grey in the photo.
The mother and child are done in bright nature colors, colors of hope. The hand
is dropping some seeds, in hope of change. I painted the faces using Tsukineko
ink. No thread painting yet, so it is very much a work in progress. I will post
again when it is completed."
Here is a photo of the finished piece. I added a water pump and plants. I have to say the whole piece evolved with me thinking about the hungry children in the world.
So the seeds are; the child, the seeds and water. A helping hand to help those in need.
Great challenge, even though it took me a long time to finish it :)


  1. Rhoda, this is quite an emotional piece. I think more now than before. I like the repositioning of the hand, and while the water spout and plants look small, it shows a drop of water can go a long way, and seeds are indeed sprouts... the sprouts of plants and yes, hope.
    When you get the thread painting done, I am sure it will be spectacular!
    Well done!

  2. Hi Rhoda, I love what you have is nicely balanced now and conveys your message much stronger. Great job!

  3. Thanks to you both. And as you might see I ended up deleting the other post, just can't seem to delete just the pic...oh well.
    Carole, it is thread painted :)

  4. Rhoda, This is lovely! I like it much better than the original, it is more balanced now and the added touches of the water dripping and the seedlings are wonderful and make your message so much stronger!


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