Sunday, August 09, 2009

Too Many Tomatoes

In keeping with my theme, "Can I Eat It?', and in keeping with the "I can never seem to finish on time" problem, here is my addition to the current challenge. Radial symmetry presented a problem for me in that I coud not for the life of me figure out how to do a representation of something to eat. That is, until I started cutting vegetables for my husband's salad. And there it was - radial symmetery inside the tomato! I used hand dyed fabric, a bit of a Fossil Fern fabric, and the wrong side of an old calico. Now the only thing left to do with this little quilt is a bit of beading for the seeds.


  1. Fun! I especially like the motif quilting around the tomatoes and the green streaks make the background more interesting. I'd eat 'em.


  2. Those do look delicious. Beads might look added on, out of place, and a bit too shiny. If you want to add seeds, you might consider some embroidery. Seed stitches, french knots, or tiny little lazy daisy stitches would make wonderful seeds.

  3. Yay - I knew someone would have a better idea than beads - thanks Linda!

  4. Very interesting, Ann.... now what would have happened if you had zoomed in on that cross section of the tomato and really played up the radial symmetry?
    I love your series topic.... but rather than pictoral representations, why not find a segment of the fruit or veggie that can be translated into a quilt? Just food for thought (pun intended!).

  5. Thanks for the suggestions, Wendy. Maybe the August challenge will give me the opportunity to do just that.

  6. I was thinking exactly what Wendy said when I first looked at this piece. It's really good, but yes what if you did a close up of the cross section of the tomatoe. Very unique.

  7. Hi Ann, The cross section showing the radial pattern is great...also the background quilting of the tomatoes on vines...unique and nicely done. I'd like to see the tomatoes less uniformly round and more odd shaped like they usually are. Too bad you hate tomatoes...they are good for you!
    Good work

  8. very yummy looking :-) I'm thinking this would look nice next to my chili pepper on my kitchen wall lol


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