Saturday, August 01, 2009

Wildwood (extracts from Artists Book)

I know this is a slight cheat - I have been making these pages for several months now, completing an exhibit for the UK's Festival of Quilts. Had decided to shift my theme to woodland, and it occurred to me that the one I was finishing off (the dormouse below) met the challenge requirements, as did the berries and ramsons (wild garlic) pages.
As these pages are tiny (6" squares) I've included the three of them. They are translucent (like woodland) so back-to-back pages have to have mirror outlines but different images (the two above are back to back) which has been a little tricky to say the least.
Each side of the page begins with silk-dyed pelmet vilene (pellon), the design cut out with a scalpel, then the whole page covered in hand-dyed silk organza and stitched. The two sides are sandwiched together with silk tulle net in the centre, then quilted and partially cut back to the net and finally satin-stitched round the edge. There are sixteen double-sided pages in all, each containing different woodland plants and creatures.


  1. Sandra,
    These are wonderful, it's hard to believe they are only 6" square, and two sided as well. I love the light airy feel of them, and your colors are yummy! They certainly fit this challenge in a very beautiful way!

  2. Wow, Sandra... these are very fun.... I love the garlic, and the symmetry implied in the leaves is fabulous. I'd love to see the mouse when finished! Lovely colors and depth. I hope you post all of them someday!

  3. Hi Sandra, very cool! Love the intricacy of the design and the shaded coloring. Unique concept very successfully executed...would love to see them in person!

  4. Ditto the previous comments. They're so lovely and light. I love the freeform radial design. Any way you can share the other pieces with us?

  5. A few pieces are on my blog - - the others will be published on my blog after August 20th when Festival of Quilts opens!

  6. What a delight! so intricate and lovely, certainly providing the woodland translucency...Please post to the group when you have them all on your blog for us to see and enjoy.
    Nice rendition of the theme for this challenge.

  7. Well these just blew my socks off!! They fit the challenge and I'm impressed with someone so disciplined to complete little pieces like this.


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