Saturday, September 05, 2009

I Hate Math

I had an idea for this challenge but couldn't act on it right away. When I ready Rosemary's descriptions of her work, especially the piece she says she hangs in her dining room window, I saw a kind of fabric window decoration. I worked very small to make it easier to finish. I started by painting organza with Tsukineiko inks. I then cut them out in rough trapezoid shape. I sewed them to another piece of organza over a piece of muslin as to not distort the ink colors. I then quilted in metallic for fun and just to outline the basic shape. Nothing fancy but an idea seen to fruition was very satisfying. Thanks Sandy for a great challenge.

Michele Sheets in NC


  1. Nice quilting and glittery effects. The only suggestion I would make is to have overlapped those 4 colored pieces more to show more transparency of the colors upon one another.

  2. Hi Michelle, what gorgeous colors you got with the inks on organza..very pretty. I agree, the most interesting part is the overlap, but there isn't much of it. It might be fun to add some more square or circles with lots of overlap in lighter and/or darker values.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  3. My comments echo those above. A few more 'patches' of some shape for the overlap would really add to this piece. I also like how it is quilted.
    What size is it?

  4. Michele, I agree with the other comments, but would like to add that you really achieved beautiful colors when you painted your organza. Nice quilting as well.

  5. Nice colors and quilting Michele. It's hard to photo glittery fabrics. I also would like to see more overlap of the sheers. Good job!

  6. Hi Michelle,
    I am so glad you "had a go" at the challenge.
    I can't tell from the photo, but when you hang it in the window, can you see through it? If you wanted see thruogh, if you tried something another piece, you could always see what it would be like to stitch the inked pieces to another layer of organza instead of muslin. It would make fun coloured reflections/ shapes on the floor and furniture!

    I like the idea of applying other shapes overlapping. If you varied the shape somewhat it would add interest. For instance, since these shapes have straight lines, you could try more of an oval shape...and possibly slightly smaller.

    another idea which could give that fun see-through quality, (which may be me doing the over the top thing I have a tendancy to get into!) is to have some of the new coloured shapes overhanging the edge, rather than contained within the cloud shape. If it is in the window, it would help your eye to be drawn from the piece to looking at the view outside.

    I am glad you used the shimmery fabric, it must glow in the sunshine!
    thanks for showing your work.


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